AlligatorBoard metal pegboard is the ultimate organizing tool
Check out some of the great uses for AlligatorBoard:
Garages & Workshops:
Since each panel holds up to 90lbs when mounted on studs, AlligatorBoard can hold everything in your garage from your leaf blower to your ladders to your sledgehammer to your chainsaw – and all the little stuff too
Get everything off the floor and on the wall where you can find it easily. If you have ordinary pegboard now - move up to the heavy duty AlligatorBoard metal pegboard! It won't warp, tear, discolor or rust.
AlligatorBoard comes in sizes you can easily manage and intermix – 32" and 48" long by 16" wide panels for the galvanized variety. The same lengths are also available in 3" wide strips so you can design the perfect wall of storage! You can use our colored GatorGrid™ panels to make a wall in your team's favorite colors. And our FinishLine™ square panels fit together to make the perfect checkered flag wall for racing enthusiasts!
But the must-have for your garage is the Wall on Wheels™! This mobile metal pegboard is designed to eliminate the need to carry parts and tools back and forth between storage area and workspace. The WOW carts have a small footprint and superb maneuverability while offering up to 32 square feet of equipment hanging space! WOW – check them out!
Utility & Laundry Rooms:

Who says utility rooms have to be ugly and messy? Improve that cramped or dingy space by replacing plastic shelving units and crates or random plastic hooks with attractive and durable AlligatorBoard metal pegboard. You'll have everything you need at your fingertips and spruce up the place too!
With AlligatorBoard installed, your time spent in the utility or laundry room can be enjoyable! Our galvanized panels and strips look industrial cool. And our powdercoated colored GatorGrid panels and strips – or our stainless panels and strips can match your décor! Bring your good taste and polished look from the rest of your house right into those neglected rooms!
Gatorshelves make it easy to give detergents and fabric softeners a home in the laundry. And in the utility room, flashlights, lightbulbs, and other critical items will be easy to find when you need them most.
Kitchens & Restaurants:

Our aesthetic stainless steel panels and strips are a natural for today's kitchens – at home and in restaurants, hotels, and schools. Hang your spoons, tongs, and hotpads on our hooks and your spices on our shelves and have all you culinary tools right where you need them.
Modern, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, and strong, stainless steel has a brilliant shine and will freshen and brighten your workspace. It's a great investment because stainless steel can be maintained in as-new condition for decades. Plus, it's hygienic! Stainless steel has no pores or cracks to harbor dirt, grime or bacteria. A little soap and hot water and it's safe and sterile.
Consider AlligatorBoard as a great alternative for organizing heavy pots and pans. It's unique and attractive!
Or, introduce color (or compliment the colors you already have) in your kitchen with our beautiful powdercoated metal pegboard panels and strips!

The best thing about a playroom is open floor space! Kids of all ages love to have room to play! So get some of those things off the floor when they're not being used by hanging them on colorful GatorGrid metal pegboard from AlligatorBoard. Our colored panels are available in great primary colors to inspire kids' imaginations (and match their toys!).
Teens love the industrial look of our panels and our panels can stand up to whatever teens throw at them – backpacks, musical instruments, sports gear, whatever.
AlligatorBoard can go anywhere, but it comes from one place: Glendale Heights, Illinois – proudly made in the USA!